At Awayday Apparel we have made a decision that moving forward we are going to be doing more to show that we are doing our bit for the planet.
From here on, we we will be using products that respect people, the environment and customers. To produce more authentic and more responsible clothes that you will be proud to wear . Our garments will be sourced from a supplier in the textile industry that only uses products that are made in a more humane, ethical and ecological way.
Quality, durability and comfort are part of our DNA. Each garment is chosen with the greatest attention and meets strict criteria, including softness. 100% of the cotton used will be 100% organic cotton.
Organic cotton is a natural, GMO-free fibre that uses less water than standard cotton. In addition, its production does not involve the use of chemicals (no fertilisers or pesticides) and encourages rotation of crops to keep soil healthier, more fertile and maintain humidity. Waste from the cotton ginning process is also recycled for the animal feed industry.
Our printing processes are also changing to become more eco-friendly with water based printing, ensuring our products are not contributing to the pollution that is so topical these days and giving us pride in becoming one of a very limited number of companies in the industry to have the future of our planet firmly on our minds.